Empowering others and giving proper guidance

Trajan was the second of a line of "Five Good Emperors" of Rome. He was fondly referred to even in his own life time as Optimus Princep (or "Best Emperor").

His style of management is reflected in the many letters between himself and Pliny the Younger, who had held the position of Propraetor of the province of Bithynia.

In one correspondence, Pliny had written to Trajan to seek his advice over an aqueduct which had been paid for by the local population but had never been completed.

Trajan replied "I have full confidence that you will undertake the duty with all due care. But I profess it is also part of your diligent duty to find out who is to blame for the waste of such sums of money". 

In other words, he reminded Pliny that he had been empowered to do a job and he should do it

Not only that, Trajan also gave proper guidance to Pliny to ensure that he would know how to act in the future.


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