
Showing posts from October, 2021

Workout: Hanging knee raises, pushups and jumping jacks

 Here is an upper body workout which I had my trainee perform. The trainee is unable to perform a pull-up and has difficulties performing pushups. Pull-up straps for a neutral grip Workout description The first round consisted of  2 sets of 5 knee raises while hanging on a pull-up bar using pull-up straps for a neutral grip. The knees should be held in the raised position for 5 seconds and with then slowly released.  1 full pushup - nose to the floor and full plank.  20 jumping jacks Rest until the heart rate falls to below to a suitable and safe level. The cycle is then repeated but this time, 2 full pushups must be performed. With each cycle, the number of pushups is increased until 5 full pushups are to be completed. After that a decreasing ladder of pushups has to be completed with each cycle. Round Hanging knee raises Pushups Jumping jacks 1 2 x 5 1 20 2 2 x 5 2 20 3 2 x 5 3 20 4 2 x 5 4 2...

Workout: Quick 300 swings

While waiting to my trainee, I thought I would sneak in a quick workout. Here it is.. 100 continuous kettlebell swings consisting of 20 double hand swings 20 right handed swings 20 left handed swings  20 double handed swings  20 hand to hand swings 5 x double kettlebell presses Rest Repeat twice.  I used 16 kg kettlebells.  Perform less swings or choose a lower weight, according to your degree of fitness. Likewise, replace the double presses with single kettlebell presses, depending on your strength.  Of course, you could increase the load if you find 16 kg too light. 

Workout: Pullups, Rows, Swings and Cleans

 This workout will target your back, biceps, glutes, hamstrings and core. 5 neutral grip pullups 10 x double kettlebell rows 10 x double kettlebell swings 10 x double kettlebell cleans  Repeat as required. Example - 6 cycles in 45 minutes. You can also perform this workout with a single kettlebell.  I use 16 kg kettlebells. Pullups Rows Swings  Cleans

Workout: Swings, snatches and long cycles

This workout consists of 3 exercises - Swings, snatches and long cycles.  20 x Double kettlebell swings 40 x Snatches 20 x Double kettlebell swings 5 x Double kettlebell long cycles Repeat as required. I used 16 kg kettlebells and repeated the sequence 5 times.

Lower body workout - lunges and sandbag squats

  T his workout will help you maintain a strong lower body. Having a strong lower body is important for your independence in old age. When you are no longer able to leave your seat, unable to walk around a shopping centre, continually worried about falling down, unsteady while standing on a moving train or bus, then you will lose your independence. A loss of independence will cause a downward spiral in your health, fitness and mental capability. The workout involves performing lunges plus heavy lifts. In this case, using a sandbag. Sandbags are one of the most flexible exercise tools for home and gym use. The workout will help improve your cardiorespiratory fitness and your strength. 20 x forward lunges 10 x front sandbag squats 20 x reverse lunges 10 x front sandbag squats 20 x left side lunges 10 x front sandbag squats 20 x right side lunges 10 x front sandbag squats Repeat as required with minimal rest between each set. Using a heavy sandbag will help to also strengthen your low...

Swings, snatches, push presses and pushups

 Here is a vigorous workout: 30 kettlebell swings 30 snatches (15 each side) 20 push presses (10 each side) 10 pushups   Repeat 5 times using a weight which is suitable for you. I used a 20 kg kettlebell for swings and push presses and 16 kg for snatches). Rest as required. This workout will provide an intense cardiorespiratory workout and hence do do monitor your heartrate so that it does not spend too long in your peak zone. The 4 exercises will work your the following muscles: Exercise Muscles exercised Kettlebell swings Posterior chain (Hamstrings, glutes, lower back, core) Kettlebell snatches   Posterior chain (Hamstrings, glutes, lower back, core), medial and rear deltoids, rotator cuff, trapezoid and rhomboids Push presses     Quadriceps, glutes, medial and rear deltoids, rotator cuff, trapezoid and rhomboids)  Pushups Front delts, pectoral muscles, core ...

Keeping fit in a small apartment

If you live in a small, high rise apartment, you have a number of options to try to stay fit. You could go to the gym, you could go to a fitness corner or park or you could try to work out at home. To be effective, home workouts need to be regular and intense and also allow you to achieve progress in the different dimensions of fitness - cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and a healthy body composition. HIIT and body weight exercises Personally (speaking as a senior), I believe that HIIT and resistance training are both important maintaining all-round fitness. HIIT, if performed properly, should increase your aerobic efficiency and help prevent glycogen overload (which is important for your longevity). But to increase the intensity of your workout and to ensure that you receive a suitable dose of resistance training, you may need some assistance from tools such as dumbbells and resistance bands.  But what are the other alternatives? Body weight ...

Workout: Mountain climbers and snatches

 Today's workout consists of only 2 exercises: mountain climbers and kettlebell snatches. If you are concerned about ensuring that your heart rate does not stay in the peak zone for too long, perform the mountain climbers at a moderate pace. They can act respite to the intensity of the snatches. The mountain climbers will also help work your hip flexor muscles and hamstrings and provide an isometric workout for your core and upper body.  Snatches provide  vigorous exercise with a solid workout for your shoulders, hip extensors and upper back.  This was my workout: 40 x mountain climbers 30 x kettlebell snatches - 15 LH and 15 RH I used a 16 kg kettlebell and repeated the sequence 8 times over 40 minutes with longer rests between sequences required towards the end of the workout.  As you may have gathered, I focus on managing my heart rate, allowing my heart rate to fall to the cardio (Fitbit) zone before starting the next set.  Protecting your heart and avo...

Back to "HIIT" after a long break

A HIIT workout should be very intense. You go all out for brief period (e.g. 20 seconds), slow down (e.g. for 20 seconds) and start again until exhausted.  Nowadays, HIIT is interpreted in many ways. Most HIIT sessions do not involve highly intense exercise and hence they can run for half an hour or more.  A few days ago, I called up about being a HIIT trainer. (Well not really HIIT - the session lasts for an hour with warm-ups, cool-downs, so about 40 minutes!!) There was some concern about whether I was fit enough. I have not done HIIT for a while. So I thought I would do a series of intense exercises to see if I could last 40 minutes. I did not use a timer but used repetitions. Here is the exercise routine: 40 jumping jacks 40 plank jacks 10 pushups 20x24kg single arm kettlebell rows (10 x LH and 10 x RH) Repeat with minimal rest between exercises. I repeated this routine 6 times in 30 minutes. Is this HIIT? Not really but it certainly more intense that what is normall...

Swings, squats and presses

Try this kettlebell workout consisting of 3 exercises for a whole body workout. The sequence will help build your strength, endurance, cardiorespiratory fitness. Try not to rest for too long between each set. If possible, ask someone to help push you through the sets.  Do monitor your heart rate, to avoid spending too much continuous time close to your maximum heart rate. 20 left side swings 10 left side squats 5 left side push presses 20 right side swings 10 right side squat 5 right side push presses Repeat as required. (For example: 5 sets = 350 repetitions). I used a 20 kg kettlebell   Single side squats Always consult your medical professional before embarking on a vigorous exercise program.