Workout: Hanging knee raises, pushups and jumping jacks
Here is an upper body workout which I had my trainee perform. The trainee is unable to perform a pull-up and has difficulties performing pushups. Pull-up straps for a neutral grip Workout description The first round consisted of 2 sets of 5 knee raises while hanging on a pull-up bar using pull-up straps for a neutral grip. The knees should be held in the raised position for 5 seconds and with then slowly released. 1 full pushup - nose to the floor and full plank. 20 jumping jacks Rest until the heart rate falls to below to a suitable and safe level. The cycle is then repeated but this time, 2 full pushups must be performed. With each cycle, the number of pushups is increased until 5 full pushups are to be completed. After that a decreasing ladder of pushups has to be completed with each cycle. Round Hanging knee raises Pushups Jumping jacks 1 2 x 5 1 20 2 2 x 5 2 20 3 2 x 5 3 20 4 2 x 5 4 2...