How many steps per day - setting stretch targets
How many steps are required for good health?
For many years, 10,000 daily steps has been the recommended threshold that one should try to achieve to stay healthy.
There is much discussion in the news and social media as to whether 10,000 steps is really necessary. Some have derided this number, quoting research that suggests that 4,000 - 8,000 steps are sufficient and that the need for 10,00 steps is a myth. Others have pointed out that the need for 10,000 steps was based on the Japanese character for 10,000 and was used in marketing the first pedometer.
More recently recently studies have shown that 15,000 steps provides significantly better weight management benefits as compared to 10,000 steps.
Exercise targets
The key to keeping fit is to have exercise targets. Exercise targets should be SMART (Specific, Manageable, Attainable and Time-bound) and must also be able to be in line with your fitness objectives. These targets should be "stretch targets", which push you beyond your limits and so as provide a degree of stress (acute inflammation) on your body.
Without a target, you will not be motivated to meet your fitness objectives.
Many of us are forced by our jobs to be sedentary during the day and encouraged by our lifestyle to be sedentary when not at work. Stretch targets are therefore necessary.
Achieving your fitness goals
Although I exercise daily, my exercise routine does not regularly include walking or running.
Working from home makes my job largely sedentary and hence I need to set stretch targets to help manage my weight and fitness.
I have found when combined with a daily gym workout, that a target of 10,000 steps meets my desired objectives. Since 10,000 steps is my target, I need to purposely make time to achieve this target.
Would 15,000 steps be better than 10,000 steps? Perhaps, yes, if I had more serious issues with weight management and if I also did not exercise daily.
For those in sedentary jobs, walking should be part your daily activities.
Instead of focusing on whether 10,000 steps is a myth, you should consider your fitness objectives. Once you understand your fitness objectives, you can then set targets that you need to meet to achieve those objectives. The number of steps that you take should help you meet that target.
For most people in sedentary jobs, 10,000 steps represents a SMART target. If you find that 10,000 steps a day is not sufficient, then you you need to review how you can achieve your fitness objectives; for example - including gym workouts, HIIT or increasing the target number of steps.
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