Health and fitness to minimize morbidity and mortality in the elderly

The sad deaths of elderly persons due to COVID-19 is very revealing. Many of these persons are frail and have cardiovascular issues or other chronic non-communicable diseases. .

COVID-19 is likely to become endemic and may become a significant contributory cause of death of elderly persons.

In the past, pneumonia was the major cause of death of the elderly. Vaccination has contributed to the decline of this disease as a cause of mortality.

What has also caused this decline in mortality is the rise of non-communicable chronic diseases as causes of mortality. The "joke" in the old days about pneumonia no longer being a cause of death of the elderly, because "cancer and heart disease will get your first", can now be augmented with COVID-19.

If COVID-19 is indeed destined to become endemic, we need to take steps in our younger years to prepare ourselves for old age.
In most cases, chronic non-communicable diseases are a cumulative consequence of a failure to take action in your younger years. Keeping the population fit and encouraging a sensible healthy diet, before they reach old age will continue to be key in the fight against unnecessary mortality and morbidity due to COVID-19 in the elderly.


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